

《妖夜尋狼》《黑金速遞》姬蒂碧金莎 Kate Beckinsale

《分歧者》系列型男 費奧占士 Theo James

3D+2D BLU-RAY™ / BLU-RAY™ / DVD 3月24日推出

Available on Mar-24-2017


吸血殭屍和人狼已爭鬥幾世紀,這場惡鬥對Selene﹙姬蒂碧金莎 飾﹚來說是切膚之痛,所有她愛的人都被殺害。然而新一輪戰事如箭在弦,人狼族換上新首領Marius﹙托比亞斯曼西斯 飾﹚並伺機崛起,血族必須依靠Selene才有機會反勝。為了她唯一的盟友David﹙費奧占士 飾﹚和其父親Thomas﹙查理斯丹士 飾﹚,她必須挺身而出,終止兩族之間永無休止的戰爭,即使這意味著她將要作出最大的犧牲……

In the next installment of the blockbuster franchise, UNDERWORLD: BLOOD WARS follows Vampire death dealer, Selene (Kate Beckinsale) as she fends off brutal attacks from both the Lycan clan and the Vampire faction that betrayed her. With her only allies, David (Theo James) and his father Thomas (Charles Dance), she must stop the eternal war between Lycans and Vampires, even if it means she has to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Categories: 新碟速遞區
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