熱搜: hifi av 音樂
樓主: kenho

[兩聲道音響] 細說 McIntosh D100

發表於 2014-3-21 22:54:12 | 顯示全部樓層
the only thing i can say is i should buy this 3 months earlier!  

I was not sure how much this D100 would be better than the build-in DAC, i was keep asking this question without went to their showroom testing it for the past 3-4 mths.   Finally, i went up last sunday, tried a/b comparison, it was a "BIG" difference!!!

I even just took the demo unit away, which it was only opened up 7 days, so i additionally gain 70 hours (7 days x10 hours) run-in service fm them!! thx HiFi gallery!

just buy it.  this is really value-for-money!

incidentally, I also bought the Power Company, I don't know what that is, but obviously the electricity for the combo is more stable (as i did find frequently 1 sec pause of electricity), but i didn't notice how much it improved the sound as i plugged the D100 in parallel...

BTW, my sound field now is wide, well separated of low, mid and high, slightly deeper, and sounds like a much more "expensive" sound!  For sure, i am still looking for upgrade of the sound field... i tested the "Farmer" ground box already, it also made a very significant improvement especially making more sharp line of each musical instrument...

but i am not yet able to find how to make the sound field more deeper... i know the listening area should have much more impact on this area, i think... is it?





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發表於 2014-4-9 14:50:12 | 顯示全部樓層
請問 D100 是用 ES9018 還是用 ES9016 解碼晶片?
我希望 Fix output 接合拼擴音機, Variable 接後級可以嗎..??

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 樓主| 發表於 2014-4-10 17:05:27 | 顯示全部樓層
bennynsh 發表於 2014-4-9 14:50
請問 D100 是用 ES9018 還是用 ES9016 解碼晶片?
我希望 Fix output 接合拼擴音機, Variable 接後級可以嗎. ...

Dear 師兄,
為了回答你這個問題,我即下令師傅生劏了一部 D100 陳列機,晶片組是使用 ES9018 構成的 ,可惜師傅沒有拍攝照片,不能進一步分享 。 另外,若同時使用兩組不同䩱出是可以的,但要留意兩組在其一關上時會否對音質有所干擾,因有些機在關掉狀況時,輸入端會自動短路導通,防止有外來電流走進,若是這樣並出的訊號當然會被波及導致失真,那只有全部開機作業了。

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發表於 2014-4-11 12:42:34 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks Ken Sir..!!

我是在你們網頁看到 是ES9016 才想向你求証..!!

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發表於 2014-4-12 15:27:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Ken sir, I'm using gryphon Diablo right now. I want to ask if I should use the preamp of d100 and use Diablo as power amp or keep Diablo as one int amp. Any suggestion? Thanks.

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發表於 2014-4-22 10:35:19 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi ken sir,

小弟想玩cas, 以下係budget以內打算入手既器材,請問夾嗎?有冇更好建議? thanks!!

Source: MacBook
Preamp: mcintosh d100
Amp: mcintosh mc302
Speakers: b&w 803 diamond

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 樓主| 發表於 2014-4-23 11:24:37 | 顯示全部樓層
andylam67 發表於 2014-4-12 15:27
Dear Ken sir, I'm using gryphon Diablo right now. I want to ask if I should use the preamp of d100 a ...

Dear 師兄,
見意保留原有合併,D100 只為 DAC 工作,這較為好效果些

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發表於 2014-5-8 20:20:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Ken Sir,

I've chosen mc302 as my the power amp. I'm hesitating between D100 & c48 as the pre amp. I know, the best way is putting d100 as Dac of c48. But that is not my option due to the limited budget. Since I only focus on CAS, I don't care about the multi-function of c48. If we only compare the sounding quality between d100 & c48, which one is better?

Thanks in advance!

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 樓主| 發表於 2014-5-10 11:11:36 | 顯示全部樓層
cenman 發表於 2014-5-8 20:20
Dear Ken Sir,

I've chosen mc302 as my the power amp. I'm hesitating between D100 & c48 as the pre a ...

Dear 師兄,
若只在聆聽質素上比較,當然是一定是 C48 or C50 比 D100 好多呢,因為 D100 主要是以 DAC 為設計重點,在前級上只是以較簡潔的製作,因此跟 C48、C50 這些高階設置不能一併而論,這兩款機單在機體上已是以相底盤設計,供電部份與放大部份是分隔設計,其他高階的電路設計相信也沒必要比較了 ,唯一 D100 最比人強的就是 32/192 的 8 核晶片組了

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發表於 2014-8-13 22:02:54 | 顯示全部樓層
Ken sir
請問我現在用6300 +hugo dac,如果加d100 直接用dac 定係用d100 做前級+dac. 6300 做後級好呢?(因為新手有錯請指教).....thx

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 樓主| 發表於 2014-8-30 11:17:35 | 顯示全部樓層
BillyLee@FB 發表於 2014-8-13 22:02
Ken sir
請問我現在用6300 +hugo dac,如果加d100 直接用dac 定係用d100 做前級+dac. 6300 做後級好呢?( ...

Dear 師兄,
首先不好意思,七、八月會展期間可謂忙死了半條人命 ,稍遲回覆 sorry sorry

論音效,當然是 D100 前--> MA6300 後較好聲,但 D100 本身只帶全數碼的輸入端子,因為在音源使用上沒有很大的彈性,所以需要視乎你現有之音源器材去決定,如 LP 黑膠不論 MM or MC 大部份都沒有數碼輸出,那就是唯一不足之處了

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發表於 2015-5-19 10:54:47 | 顯示全部樓層
想請問 D100 有無機會透過軟件更新來對應 DSD 及 DXD音檔格式呢..??

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 樓主| 發表於 2015-5-19 14:24:36 | 顯示全部樓層
bennynsh 發表於 2015-5-19 10:54
想請問 D100 有無機會透過軟件更新來對應 DSD 及 DXD音檔格式呢..??

Dear 師兄,
1. DSD 規格等於 SACD ,是必須以 SACD DAC 晶片轉換,那亦即是必須符合 Sony 公司的專利規定,因此不能單靠軟件升級就可做到。
2. DXD 本身為 over sampling 之 HD high speed 規格 (高於 192kHz,如 384kHz 等等),其接近但而又未達到 DSD 規格者皆可納入為 DXD 的格式,若以軟件升級在理論上是有可能的,但外於其規格與 SACD DSD 太相近,以其晶片就可隨道解決,那又不必再花成本去開發新的軟體了,這得乖乖向專利購置,一家廉宜兩家著呢。
(這亦為何 D150 + MCT450 要使用特別為 McIntosh 設計的 Din 插端來輸送 SACD、DSD 等高數碼音頻訊號。)

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發表於 2015-12-1 15:06:26 | 顯示全部樓層
Ken哥, D100 配 Mcintosh 邊部入門AMP最化算合新手入門? thanks
D100 - 貧僧無知, 播DSD得唔得架?

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-1-2 13:39:07 | 顯示全部樓層
letmesee311 發表於 2015-12-1 15:06
Ken哥, D100 配 Mcintosh 邊部入門AMP最化算合新手入門? thanks
D100 - 貧僧無知, 播DSD得唔得架? ...

Dear 師兄,
McIntosh D100 可配任可前級使用,但並不支援 DSD 之格式解碼,若要處理 DSD 格式可購置最新機型 McIntosh D150,可由電腦以 USB 輸入進行 DSD 解碼換算工作 ,亦可同時配備 MCT450 純轉盤以 Din 端子進行 SACD DSD 工作。

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發表於 2016-2-27 05:09:06 | 顯示全部樓層
Mcintosh 有冇解碼有AES輸入的model?

Thx chings

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發表於 2016-3-1 21:00:19 | 顯示全部樓層
I don't think so.

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 樓主| 發表於 2016-4-18 13:14:43 | 顯示全部樓層

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