熱搜: hifi av 音樂
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[分享] 史上最強家訪-David's Veritas Vos (完)

發表於 2017-9-7 08:42:12 | 顯示全部樓層
Part 2 of the instruments list

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發表於 2017-9-9 16:13:49 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2017-9-9 16:29:28 | 顯示全部樓層
相信全 東南亞 無一個人套音響好得過呢套!


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發表於 2017-10-9 09:10:16 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 tst123 於 2017-10-9 09:13 編輯



熱身由主人家選播幾首男聲及女聲,一開聲又經覺得系統很有感染力,令你在享受音樂,小弟深知世上沒有完美系統,真聲先系完美,極度挑 剔的我覺得男聲可以更為豐滿一點,歌手和背後樂手的樂器有一點黏在一起,可惜所為弱點待器材 warm up 後便不復存在。

跟著播小弟張CD去播, 播左

Kari  Bremnes - A lover in Berlin
Amber Rubarth - Full moon in Paris
Michael Jackson - Black or White
Saint-Saens - Danse Macabre

每一次都輕易過關,場面夠大,既深且濶,動態表現 A+, 樂器定位準,基本上細心聽可以捕捉到每一件樂器,連貫性亦高,可以和幾年前聽過的木下正三系統並肩甚至乎超越,聽 classic 及人聲肯定係呢套好, rock 小弟仍選木下正三。

系統係非常平衡,不過小弟重口味,覺得系統雖近乎完美,覺得它播 Michael Jackson 仍然不夠味道,太清,小弟喜歡較 raw, 中低頻之間偶爾有一點濁。







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發表於 2017-10-9 10:09:08 | 顯示全部樓層
tst123 發表於 2017-10-9 09:10

一入房已經被眼前的器材吸引住,心 ...

咁詳細既報告, 開多個POST分享啦.

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發表於 2017-10-9 21:11:19 | 顯示全部樓層
tst123 發表於 2017-10-9 09:10

一入房已經被眼前的器材吸引住,心 ...

Honest and candid report mentioning both pros and cons!
Apparently you are not aware that Cheung Siu Tong's front end converts all incoming PCM signals (from your CDs) to DSD before next step processing. If you brought along NATIVE DSD recordings, I think you might have heard a better sound.
The woofers, though in a line source column, may perhaps be slightly too small in diameter (in order to achieve fast response) thus not giving you the satisfying bass impact from the Michael Jackson track.

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發表於 2017-10-11 11:24:24 | 顯示全部樓層

當科學家遇上音響——Veritas Vos音響系統

Veritas Vos音響系統全貌

卻說某日看到這帖子( [分享] 史上最強家訪-David's Veritas Vos (完) ),當中也引用了另一篇同系統的專訪(天下第二的发烧系统),提及到Veritas Vos音響系統似乎相當出色。比較有意思的是,這次Veritas Vos音響系統的製作者張教授David在上述文章中提供了聯絡方法,讓筆者有機會能親自感受一下這套系統到底有甚麼過人之處。


這次的試聽體驗筆者有幸跟tst123一同前往,剛開始時David先播放他選的三首女聲曲暖場。筆者聽著覺得相當不錯,然而作為演示曲難度卻未免過於簡單,還以為David可能是偏好女聲。當時看到在場有Nojima Plays Liszt,當中有筆者比較熟悉的一曲La Campanella - Grandes Etudes de Paganini No 3 S.141,所以便提議播放這曲。當這曲一直播放下去時,筆者不知不覺的就投入進去,當中細節甚麼的自然不在話下,聲音大小變化和泛音都表現得非常自然而流暢,後段突然大聲起來的部分系統輕而易舉的就播放出來,沒有絲毫緊張的感覺,的確是高級音響系統應有的表現。

在初步的音響系統演示後,總算體會到Veritas Vos的初步水平,筆者也對這系統的背景有點興趣。Veritas Vos音響系統起初是David作為一名音響燒友而作出的一個實驗計劃,目的是為了解決音響系統各個技術上的限制,而設計一套最忠實還原錄音信息的音響系統。David除了是一名音響燒友外,同時也是一名物理學家。能夠成為物理學家,除了努力之外,更有異於常人的天賦,既能找出有問題的地方,同時也能想到對應的解決方法。筆者一向認為,廠家如何宣傳一套音響,本身就是表現出廠家的技術水平。一般而言,最普通的廠家以高價原料或零件配對作招徠,好一點的會提出各種專利設計,至於提出電腦模擬聲學設計的在現時音響界而言已是鳳毛麟角。然而David的團隊卻更進一步,他們除了聲學之外,還提及到對彈性流體力學的考量、單元在運作時的非線性失真、以及多單元之間的相位補償等等細節,都能體現出David的團隊在問題的切入角度上,處於非常高的技術水平。

提出了問題,就要想解決方法。然而這並不是說了算,而是要靠親身體驗。David也說過,即使是用上電腦模擬,得出來的結果也只有六、七成的準確度,接下來的就要靠實際運作數據來修正。David在設計Veritas Vos時目標很明確,就是線性的表現。理想的音響系統就是線性的,才能把CD或SACD內的音樂訊息正確的表現出來。然而當音樂經過不同的線路、喇叭和房間後,難免會有失真,而這些失真大都是非線性的,因此出來的聲音就會有各種各樣的問題。David的團隊花費了不少的努力,就是希望解決各種他們找到的傳統音響系統會有的問題,並加以解決。David簡單的提及除了在數碼和模擬電路上作修正,也有電腦系統修正喇叭單元的非線性運動,線材設計也考慮到訊號反射的問題。類似的問題其他音響廠家都有提及過,也有各自的修正方法,但把各種問題都同時在一套音響系統上考慮並修正,Veritas Vos的確是筆者第一次看到的。筆者相信David團隊所考量的遠比在這次體驗中短短的介紹更多,正因為David團隊當中的天才腦袋以及一般人難以想像的研發資源,讓一直以來音響廠家一直在挑戰的難題,都有機會得以解決。

http://www.hiendy.com/hififorum/ ... 106&pid=2679814
如果要用一句話簡單概括Veritas Vos的體驗,筆者能想到的是︰「這是筆者體驗過的眾多音響系統中最少妥協的。」Veritas Vos最讓筆者佩服的,是播放不同類型的音樂時,表現出來的情感變化相當大——播放女聲時可以表現出甜美嬌柔,播放男聲時能夠雄渾厚潤,播放交響樂時大音場大動態。這代表Veritas Vos幾乎沒有性格,盡可能還原音樂本身的情感,或許這就是David所說的高度線性的意義所在。

耳朵方面筆者比不上tst123,但一些技術上的地方筆者就有些想法。首先筆者留意到在演示期間,系統操作反應偏慢,而且選曲方面似乎不能直接選軌,這似乎有點不方便。另一方面,David提及過當系統開啟一段時間後,聲音會有點分別。筆者對David團隊的期望比較高,如果他們能夠想到讓Veritas Vos即使長期運作都能有一致的聲音表現的解決辦法,以及對室內環境溫度、溫度甚至氣壓都能作出更準確的實時非線性補償,相信那將會讓Veritas Vos更接近完美。


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發表於 2017-10-12 21:11:52 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2017-10-23 13:34:27 | 顯示全部樓層
One rainy night last month I was lucky enough to tag along with my friends to visit David’s extra-ordinary system, it was an ears-opening as well as eye-opening audiophile experience, despite all these wonderful sharing so far in this thread, I feel obliged to share my feelings after the audition.

Re-defined the traditional high end audiophile system
As a long time music lover and audiophile, pursuing the most possible original music reproduction is not an easy matter, endless changing of hardware and performing all kind of tweaks are only normal acts for achieving audiophile perfection. It was an unforgettable night after visiting David Cheung’s Veritas Vox system, which not only brought us to the audiophile heaven of music reproduction, it also redefined our conventional understanding on high end audio system.

If you think the 400 + sq. ft. music room with its ultra-modern high end and high-tech features is eye dazzling, wait till you look closer at the Veritas Vox system, which is a total proprietary and close-end system consists of well over 10 + individual components connected together with its own proprietary connectors and cables. Instead of trying to understand each component’s functions and how they all integrated to perform the overall wonderful tasks of Swiss precision music data reproduction, the essence is (my own understanding / guessing), its unique way of handling music data retrieval, monitoring, processing, control and transmission to the speakers. The engineering efforts and designs went into the system can truely be described as revolutionary.

Pushing to the edge of performance envelope
Analytically, the combined act of these impressive number of individual proprietary components rendered an amazing scale of music landscape with perceived soundstage size unheard of, more importantly the system staged a true-to-life three dimensional soundstage with superb instrument, voice, image separation and true-to-life unrestraint micro and macro dynamic. Unlike many high end gears, the frequency spectrum from the top to the bottom is extra-ordinary smooth, natural and coherence without perceived emphasis on any frequency range.

The ultimate test on a system is whether the music produced can bring you in tune with the performers and music? It is this critical aspect that the Veritas Vox system is a real treasure to us. What set apart the Veritas Vox system attributes from what we understand on conventional system sound is, it’s incredibly gigantic three dimensional soundstage, in which, be that an element of musical instrument or human voices, were rendered so natural and with you-were-there-with-the-performers kind of presentation. From solo performance to large scale orchestral pieces, we were like literally transported right into the concert hall or recording venue to enjoy whatever music and performances were put on to the system, as music lover, what else can we ask for? The system did not get our attention by mean of producing the so called pin-point imaging as such, instead all the instrument and voices in the soundstage did not seems to have their own individual conventional boundary of imaging due to the superb coherence nature of its presentation, individual instrument boundary seem to merged into the whole soundstage in a very natural analog way, this is something perhaps people need to audition the system to understand fully.

I must admit after years of soul searching in pursue of the best possible music reproduction, categorically speaking I’m in the camp of SET valve setup whereby if its mid-range seduction is wrong (in the eyes of absolute neutrality) then I don’t want to be right! But after the experience of hearing the Veritas Vox system with its superb neutrality and doing so many things so right, I started to ask myself the question, do I need to revisit my understanding and preferences? The first time that happened to me.

Congratulations to David and his team in developing this amazing Veritas Vox system, if I can have a wish list on the subject, I wish this design can be trickled down to a smaller scale so that we can see more of its application to appear in ordinary domestic environment.


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 樓主| 發表於 2017-10-23 22:34:00 | 顯示全部樓層
LL77HK 發表於 2017-10-23 13:34
One rainy night last month I was lucky enough to tag along with my friends to visit David’s extra-o ...

Great write-up! David erns my tremendous respect as he almost single handely developed such an innovative and fabulous sounding system.

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發表於 2017-10-24 13:46:02 | 顯示全部樓層

有個簡單問題: 著機熄機怎麼辦?

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發表於 2017-10-24 14:39:40 | 顯示全部樓層
nickif 發表於 2017-10-23 22:34
Great write-up! David erns my tremendous respect as he almost single handely developed such an inn ...

Thanks nickif !
An ironic proof of what audiophile passion can achieve ...

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發表於 2017-10-28 13:44:13 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2017-10-28 23:12:03 | 顯示全部樓層
wow wow wow wow wow

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發表於 2018-7-16 16:36:14 | 顯示全部樓層

是可以直接選曲。例如直接播CD 裡的第七首或第十二首。

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