熱搜: hifi av 音樂
樓主: CKKeung

[解碼器] 終極的Opamp Upgrade: Discrete Opamp (update在#7#39)

發表於 2012-4-14 00:00:46 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 七仔 於 2012-4-14 15:03 編輯

承蒙師兄幫忙, 小弟既單春discrete op-amp, 今晚剛剛到手 ... ...

話說在前頭, 小弟既器材屬入門級平野, 東拼西湊而來, 亦九年唔換機, 成套野夾埋都唔夠買你部CDP, 不能期望呢個report會搞到幾hi-end. 小弟木耳亦非聽慣好野既金耳朵, 孤九寒又想搞d小改善, 在此report一下志在回餽一下樓上既諸位有心人.

Discrete 01.JPG

Discrete 02.JPG

作對比既器材, 係小弟老友替小弟DIY既分體電源phono amp, 用左8年. 左右channel分開放大, 每邊有一隻buffer stage同埋一隻放大, 供電12V.

Discrete 04.JPG

試左一陣, discrete op-amp最大既優點, 係動態. 可是大動態並非萬應靈丹.

響裏便用過既op-amp, buffer計有OPA637AP同AD843SQ陶瓷封裝. 放大計有OPA627AP, OPA627AM金屬封裝, OPA128LM金屬封裝. 其他NE5534, OPA134, OPA227響CDP試過, 唔同級數. 原先用AD843SQ陶瓷封裝做buffer, OPA128LM金屬封裝做放大.

小弟以前試過放大OPA627AP換OPA627AM, 金屬封裝開揚飄逸, 已經係唔同級數. 而OPA627AM同OPA128LM一比, OPA128LM音染少d, details同質感明顯更優勝. 至於OPA128SM同OPA128LM, 小弟木耳聽唔出分別. OPA128SM全新, digitkey有售, 都係hk$650一粒. Buffer用AD843SQ陶瓷封裝, 分析力同OPA128SM同級, 屬冷聲, 只係$3xx一粒, AD843AQ $100一粒同AD843SQ聽唔出咩分別,用SQ純粹買左點都用貴d個粒. 唔駛問, AD843SQ同OPA637BP唔同級數, op amp封裝影響都好大. OPA128LM金屬封裝同AD843SQ陶瓷封裝, 分析力同級, 都大概算得係最好既IC op-amp.

Discrete op-amp先後放響放大同buffer位置上, 同OPA128LM一比, discrete op-amp動態冇錯係優勝, 不個金屬封裝果種飄逸貴氣, burr brown果種甜美或音染/音色唔見晒. 呢個round只能算係互有勝負, 個人感到放大位置不太合用. 放到buffer, 對音色影響冇咁大, discrete op-amp既動態發揮作用. 用AD843SQ會多d飄逸同餘韻, discrete op-amp俾到既動態, 帶來更大音樂感同感染力. buffer stage 來回試兩次, discrete op-amp音場較近比較到肉, 相對AD843SQ音場遠d動態明顯少, 結果discrete op-amp留低.

以分析力比較, OPA128LM金屬封裝 / AD843SQ陶瓷封裝 / discrete op-amp屬同級, 都係聽返咁多野. 三者都各自有優點, OPA128LM金屬封裝飄逸甜美, AD843SQ陶瓷封裝飄逸及少點音染, discrete op-amp則動態贏晒及無音染.

剛剛開聲, discrete op-amp動態較強既同時, 有少少惡聲. 淨係用一對, 煲熟左應該冇問題. 如果兩個位都用晒, 則估得出應會惡聲難馴. 現在既組合, OPA128LM搭配discrete op-amp, 飄逸貴氣加上動態帶來既鮮活感, 音樂感有所提升.

玩過呢一d op-amp, discrete op-amp表現未能拋離IC op-amp, 只能算各有勝負, 但至少都算係同最頂班既IC op-amp同級. 玩op-amp又好玩膽又好, 唔會有萬應靈丹, 都係靠搭配.

如以玩膽既經驗玩op-amp, 當佢12AU7咁玩, NE5534大概係大陸蛋或SILVANIA軍規, 濛過蒙太奇. OPA134同OPA227大概係RCA光頭仔, 俾到韻味. OPA627/OPA637膠封大概係MULLARD方屏, 有韻味又唔太濛. OPA627金屬封裝大概係50年代舊裝MULLARD, 有韻味又少左層霧. AD843SQ陶瓷封裝大概係TFK ECC802S, 中性淡味同時又萬里睛空. OPA128金屬封裝大概係MULLARD 10M, 甜美妖艷同時又見到粉底香水味同口水花. 咁Discrete op-amp就好似AMPEREX 7316, 通清分析力同ECC802S / MULLARD 10M同級同時又動態節奏感音樂感優勝, 配搭得宜令音樂活靈活現. 玩op-amp同玩膽一樣, 都係mix and match.

supreme 12au7 02.JPG

換得咁過癮, 最後有個好凄慘既發現 ... ... 有d老舊黑膠因動態加強左, d衰野同你揚晒出黎, 條track唱到殘晒果d, 炒豆炒到難以忍受, 只好搜尋狀態良好者. 淨係隻娛樂陸小鳳, 搵隻mint condition既猶如尋找處女阿婆 ... ... 呢鑊都幾杰 ... ...

煲左一晚現再開聲, 成個音場撐闊左, 高低延伸撐闊左, 細節更明顯, 加左呢對buffer已有明顯upgrade既感覺. 以頂級op-amp既價錢, 交到功貨有凸.

今次小測試因條件所限, 只能作少少參考, 請諒. 謝謝收看!





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發表於 2012-4-14 22:49:57 | 顯示全部樓層

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-4-8 01:02:53 | 顯示全部樓層
最近有frd帶來627sm, 627bm, 和128sm給小弟, 替換了原廠的opa551膠封, 改變真是很大, 仲堅過升級條4,5皮的電源線, 訂了burson discrete op-amp, 希望可以更上一層樓啦

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-8 02:30:57 | 顯示全部樓層
lovefancy 發表於 2013-4-8 01:02
最近有frd帶來627sm, 627bm, 和128sm給小弟, 替換了原廠的opa551膠封, 改變真是很大, 仲堅過升級條4,5皮的 ...

相信 627sm & 128sm 并不是新的,但記得煲熟Burson後才mix & match較聲呀。  
BTW what is your DAC/CDP?  Thanks!

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發表於 2013-4-8 10:03:05 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2013-4-8 02:30
相信 627sm & 128sm 并不是新的,但記得煲熟Burson後才mix & match較聲呀。 ...

用係amp裡頭, cdp沒搞了

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-8 10:56:54 | 顯示全部樓層
lovefancy 發表於 2013-4-8 10:03
用係amp裡頭, cdp沒搞了

lovefancy hing,

Upgrade ASR amplifier 內的opamp!  勁!
Please share your experience & the photos with us!


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發表於 2013-4-8 12:05:32 | 顯示全部樓層
七仔 發表於 2012-4-14 00:00
承蒙師兄幫忙, 小弟既單春discrete op-amp, 今晚剛剛到手 ... ...

話說在前頭, 小弟既器材屬入門級平野,  ...


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發表於 2013-4-8 14:44:37 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2013-4-8 10:56
lovefancy hing,

Upgrade ASR amplifier 內的opamp!  勁!

I've also replaced the opamp in my ASR Emitter I with Burson after reading a user's comment in audiogon, the result is similar to his findings.

http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bi ... amp;4&5#Casouza

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-8 14:50:22 | 顯示全部樓層
carpediem 發表於 2013-4-8 14:44
I've also replaced the opamp in my ASR Emitter I with Burson after reading a user's comment in aud ...

carpediem hing,

OIC! You are the real pioneer in HK!  Congratulation!

How many such opamps can be upgraded in an ASR amp?
Are there already opamp sockets or some soldering is needed for the upgrade?

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-4-8 15:45:33 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 carpediem 於 2013-4-8 15:47 編輯
CKKeung 發表於 2013-4-8 14:50
carpediem hing,

OIC! You are the real pioneer in HK!  Congratulation!

CKKeung hing,

I'm just a novice too itchy trying different things for sound changes/improvement.

Although the original op-amp in my ASR is just plug and play directly into the socket, there are capacitors nearby that the Burson discrete op-amp is too large too be fitted in, I have to buy a pair of extension cables in order to settle in the Burson op-amps, no soldering is needed. Below is picture showing the cable for your reference.


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發表於 2013-4-8 15:53:10 | 顯示全部樓層
carpediem 發表於 2013-4-8 15:45
CKKeung hing,

I'm just a novice too itchy trying different things for sound changes/improvement.

c-hing, did you replace them (both single and dual channel opamps) all or the amp stage only(single channel)?

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-8 17:16:52 | 顯示全部樓層
lovefancy 發表於 2013-4-8 15:53
c-hing, did you replace them (both single and dual channel opamps) all or the amp stage only(singl ...

Lovefancy & carpediem,

May I suggest the two of you to have a gathering to 'play play' your opamps?
Lovefancy has 627sm & 128sm.
carpediem has Burson discrete opamps.

Mix & match them to tune the sound is useful to guide lovefancy's purchase.  It shall be fun too!

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發表於 2013-4-8 17:18:40 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2013-4-8 17:16
Lovefancy & carpediem,

May I suggest the two of you to have a gathering to 'play play' your opamp ...

not a bad idea, i should get my burson by this week

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-8 17:38:41 | 顯示全部樓層
lovefancy 發表於 2013-4-8 17:18
not a bad idea, i should get my burson by this week

And I can bring my Newclassd discrete opamps to the gathering too!

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發表於 2013-4-8 17:41:38 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2013-4-8 17:38
And I can bring my Newclassd discrete opamps to the gathering too!

好, pm u later

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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-8 17:50:59 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 CKKeung 於 2013-4-8 20:43 編輯
carpediem 發表於 2013-4-8 15:45
CKKeung hing,

I'm just a novice too itchy trying different things for sound changes/improvement.

carpediem hing,

Do you have interest in an "ASR x Burson opamps x Newclassd opamp x 627sm/128sm Party"?

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發表於 2013-4-8 20:42:14 | 顯示全部樓層
Much interested in the results and undertaking! I have AD843SQ and TL072CN in my E2.

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-4-8 22:51:29 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2013-4-8 17:50
carpediem hing,

Do you have interest in an "ASR x Burson opamps x Newclassd opamp x 627sm/128sm P ...

Hi Peter,
Sounds a very interesting party. Let me know if I can join.


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 樓主| 發表於 2013-4-9 01:11:26 | 顯示全部樓層
dominiquetu 發表於 2013-4-8 22:51
Hi Peter,
Sounds a very interesting party. Let me know if I can join.

要靜侯 Lovefancy兄 and carpediem兄 之佳音。  

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2013-5-21 15:11:10 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2013-4-9 01:11
要靜侯 Lovefancy兄 and carpediem兄 之佳音。

Sorry CKKeung ching, just happened to see this thread as I wasn't in Hong Kong lately. How's the gathering and the result? Happy listening!!

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