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[合併擴音機] 英國 ifi Aurora 一體式音響系統

發表於 2019-10-8 13:12:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
英國 ifi Aurora 一體式音響系統
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Aurora的心臟是ifi 獨家名為“ PureEmotion”的放大器技術-膽石混合電路設計. 其中前級部份採用 1 枚6N3P/5670放大(可透過OLED顯示旁邊的窗口看見)。訊號從Aurora的解碼部份經過ESS Technology著名的 32bit Sabre DAC, 便開始進入放大線路,PureEmotion 使聲音變得純淨,開揚而富立體感,及自然流暢的聲音。 IMG_1603-jl-2.2.jpg IMG_1474-jl-2.2.jpg

Aurora具備HD音質,支持高達32位/ 192kHz的數據,而無需通過WiFi,USB或LAN 線接駁進行轉換或取樣。Aurora最新的藍牙編解碼器是支持,包括aptX HD,LDAC和LDHC以及AAC。通過按鈕WPS設置,連接到Wi-Fi網絡簡單易用, 比同類產品優勝. 通過Linkplay的MUZO Player應用-或任何UPnP / DLNA流媒體應用程序–亦可用於配置系統和控制音樂。 用時亦支援AirPlay和Spotify Connect. DSCF6490.2.jpg Auroua-remote-control-7.2.jpg

Aurora的主體由竹做成, 不僅是基於其美學,而且還考慮到環保及可持續性,儘管這些是重要的考慮因素。竹也是一種自然的吸聲材料,為Aurora帶來明顯的聲音效果。主體堅固,支撐力強,內部經精心設計加入阻尼物料,
Aurora共有八個驅動單元。四個重料130mm中低音為主驅動器以橫向方式分佈,覆蓋了大部分頻率,並有良好的申延性。兩隻特制28mm絲膜高音, 為Aurora帶來HD級的清析度, 令聲音更富立體感。最後兩個無源向下發射的低音驅動單元完美地為Aurora劃上句號。無縫的聲音連貫
柔滑的頻率響應,使Aurora 恍似分體式系統一般的聲音.





發表於 2019-10-8 15:46:42 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2019-10-10 15:03:25 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-11-7 14:50:24 | 顯示全部樓層

iFi Audio Launch NEW AURORA Wireless Music System Press Event @ Munich High End 2019

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-10 11:48:52 | 顯示全部樓層
The Aurora’s beauty, the product of a Japanese-inspired French designer Julien Haziza

https://howtospendit.ft.com/tech ... -box-hifi-ever-made


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-31 13:11:49 | 顯示全部樓層

                 All-in-one music system that sounds as good as it looks.
For music lovers, pure and simple. In your home. In your office. In your garden. Your music has never looked or sounded this awesome.

                                         Music amplified by emotion
Aurora is driven by PureEmotion®, an ingenious fusion of amp technologies – brand new and original to iFi.

It delivers a sound that combines purity of tone with a high level of engagement, speed and dynamic gusto, ensuring the emotive quality of music is delivered in full effect – which is why we call it PureEmotion®.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-29 16:41:58 | 顯示全部樓層
Aided by ART®, the Aurora adapts to the way you want to use it. Place it under a TV, connect via Bluetooth® or optical cable and use it as a stylish soundbar. And stream your favourite music.

Link several Auroras via Wi-Fi to create a multi-room system, playing in-sync or individually. Whether you stream from Spotify or Tidal, or surf the infinite number of internet radio stations via TuneIn, the Aurora has your music needs covered.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-24 17:37:18 | 顯示全部樓層
The Aurora has built-in Wi-Fi (2.4GHz only), and a Bluetooth receiver that supports Qualcomm’s aptX, aptX HD, and aptX LL (low latency) codecs; Sony’s LDAC; Huawei’s HWA; the AAC codec employed in Apple devices; and the standard Bluetooth SBC codec. For network playback, the Aurora supports UPnP/DLNA and Apple AirPlay.

On the rear panel are RCA and 3.5mm stereo analog jacks, TosLink and coaxial S/PDIF inputs with a maximum resolution of 24-bit/192kHz PCM, an Ethernet port, a slot for microSD memory cards, and a USB Type-A port for connecting an external drive. From Ethernet, Wi-Fi, USB, and microSD sources the Aurora supports a maximum resolution of 32/192 PCM. In addition to a three-pronged IEC power connector there’s a 12V DC input, the latter allowing the Aurora to be used in mobile or marine applications.

Incoming digital signals are immediately converted to analog by an ESS Sabre DAC, under control of a system clock developed by iFi’s parent company, Abbingdon Music Research (AMR). iFi says this Global Master Timing (GMT)/Memory Buffer System minimizes jitter. The signal is then passed to a 32-bit ARM Cortex analog signal processor with some very useful functions. Automatic Room Tailoring (ART) uses an array of six ultrasonic sensors on the rear panel to measure the distance to room boundaries, then adjusts the Aurora’s sound output to suit the environment. SoundSpace performs matrix processing to expand the soundstage, while TrueBass enhances the low-frequency output. With ART switched on (the default setting), SoundSpace and TrueBass are controlled automatically. There’s also an Audiophile mode that bypasses ART, in which case SoundSpace and TrueBass can be defeated, or set manually.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-3-24 10:00:44 | 顯示全部樓層

So the wait is over, welcome to the Aurora! We decided to create an unboxing and quick start-up guide for Bluetooth so you can get straight to playing your music!

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-4-6 17:31:01 | 顯示全部樓層
除了外觀設計外,Aurora有著iFi Audio強大的技術能力與規格血統,具有網路串流播放功能,以專屬MUZO Player APP透過智慧型手機或平版電腦進行操作,數位輸入有同軸、光纖、類比輸入有1組RCA與3.5mm,還有aptX藍芽、WiFi無線、AirPlay、USB、microSDHC記憶卡介面等,解碼最高支援到32Bit/192kHz (ESS 32-bit Sabre DAC),前級放大更採用真空管調音,後級採用晶體320W (4x 80W) 推動6顆單體提供足夠的聲壓與動態,包括4顆12cm的單體與2顆28mm的絲質高音,底部還有兩顆被動的低音。其還搭載了ifi Audio自家的XBass低音技術(低到27Hz)與ART (Automatic Room Tailoring) 自動空間效正得到最好的聲音表現。

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-4-21 15:29:53 | 顯示全部樓層


他與法國產品設計師朱利安·哈齊扎(Julien Haziza)在一杯Barad deBadassière男爵(或我們改名的Badass勳爵)上聊天時,告訴我們靈感來自東京的表參道和原宿地區的建築。他還補充說,他想擺脫這個領域中司空見慣的布制盒子。

iFi Aurora(極光)




Aurora支持高達32位/192kHz的藍牙音頻數據,而無需通過Wi-Fi,USB或乙太網電纜進行轉換或下採樣。藍牙傳輸還提供了比通常情況下更好的聲音質量,由iFi設計為比現成的藍牙解決方案更「有損」。支持最新的高質量藍牙編解碼器,包括aptX HD,LDAC,LDHC,HWA以及AAC。

藉助其按鈕式WPS設置,將Aurora連接到Wi-Fi網絡非常簡單。使用Linkplay的MUZO Player應用程式或任何UPnP/DLNA流媒體應用程式,您可以配置系統並控制音樂。還支持AirPlay和Spotify Connect。


iFi的「 PureEmotion」功放系統為Aurora供電。混合電路設計包括幾個關鍵階段。從包含俄羅斯6N3P閥的前置放大器階段開始,您可以看到OLED顯示屏旁邊的窗戶發光。該閥接收Aurora的DAC(數模轉換器)電路提供的模擬音頻信號(基於ESS Technology著名的32位Saber DAC系列的晶片),並增加增益以準備進一步放大。此外,6N3P帶來了明顯的溫暖感。

按一下ART按鈕,在Aurora極光周圍點綴的六個麥克風使用超聲波測量到周圍牆壁的距離。然後,一個32位ARM Cortex微處理器調整驅動器陣列的輸出以精確調整Aurora的性能。



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發表於 2020-4-22 16:34:08 | 顯示全部樓層
Avantgarde-HK 發表於 2020-4-21 15:29
Aurora的設計覆蓋在竹子中,並由醒目的鋁製框架懸掛,可以實現將其融合到幾乎任何裝飾中的技巧,並且可以 ...

Pls pm price.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-4-27 15:35:30 | 顯示全部樓層

Sorry for late reply.  
PM sent

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-5-27 10:42:53 | 顯示全部樓層
jai-teste-Aurora.jpg iFi-Aurora-5.jpg
Aurora有著iFi Audio強大的技術能力與規格血統,具有網路串流播放功能,以專屬MUZO Player APP透過智慧型手機或平版電腦進行操作,數位輸入有同軸、光纖、類比輸入有1組RCA與3.5mm,還有aptX藍芽、WiFi無線、AirPlay、USB、microSDHC記憶卡介面等,解碼最高支援到32Bit/192kHz (ESS 32-bit Sabre DAC),前級放大更採用真空管調音,後級採用晶體320W (4x 80W) 推動6顆單體提供足夠的聲壓與動態,包括4顆12cm的單體與2顆28mm的絲質高音,底部還有兩顆被動的低音。其還搭載了ifi Audio自家的XBass低音技術(低到27Hz)與ART (Automatic Room Tailoring) 自動空間效正得到最好的聲音表現。

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-6-26 16:41:57 | 顯示全部樓層

Looking for a unique gadget to really stand out in your home? The iFi Aurora is a wireless music system from UK audio brand iFi, and is making a bid for pride of place in the living room.

An unholy clash of bamboo slats and aluminium girders – with a trapezium OLED display – the Aurora ditches conventional wisdom over speaker design to make a real visual statement. And even if you don't like that statement, the boldness of its structure is something to be admired.

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Sat somewhere between quirky diorama and ambitious concert hall, the iFi Aurora was inspired by Japanese architecture and designer Julian Haziza's experience working in home furnishings.

The result is a speaker that doesn't try to keep out of view, like a flat TV soundbar or compact smart speaker – it's the opposite of the strategy shown by both the Amazon Echo and Google Home ranges, which have moved towards curved edges and gray mesh exteriors to blend with soft furnishings as much as possible.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-8-1 10:37:56 | 顯示全部樓層
French design.
Japanese inspiration.

Our designer, Julien Haziza, drew inspiration from Japanese industrial designers and architecture – namely Shigeru Ban, Tadao Ando and the Omotesandō and Harajuku districts in Tokyo.

Clad in bamboo and elevated by a distinctive aluminium frame, the Aurora’s design is striking. It mimics the grand scale of Japanese architecture – crisp, clean lines intertwined with a hint of vintage. Very fitting for the tour de force that is the Aurora.


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-8-31 13:55:38 | 顯示全部樓層

Aurora有著iFi Audio強大的技術能力與規格血統,具有網路串流播放功能,以專屬MUZO Player APP透過智慧型手機或平版電腦進行操作,數位輸入有同軸、光纖、類比輸入有1組RCA與3.5mm,還有aptX藍芽、WiFi無線、AirPlay、USB、microSDHC記憶卡介面等,解碼最高支援到32Bit/192kHz (ESS 32-bit Sabre DAC),前級放大更採用真空管調音,後級採用晶體320W (4x 80W) 推動6顆單體提供足夠的聲壓與動態,包括4顆12cm的單體與2顆28mm的絲質高音,底部還有兩顆被動的低音。其還搭載了ifi Audio自家的XBass低音技術(低到27Hz)與ART (Automatic Room Tailoring) 自動空間效正得到最好的聲音表現。

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-10-8 11:40:54 | 顯示全部樓層
The iFi Aurora, an all in one music system that is both easy to setup and sonically pleasing.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-11-16 12:11:37 | 顯示全部樓層
這是最方便好聲之微型Hi Fi. 真的很好聲, 聲音有重量感!

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-12-18 14:57:14 | 顯示全部樓層

Below the display and window are three rows of LED-lit soft-key switches, the rows separated by horizontal bamboo slats. In the top row are a switch for adjusting the Aurora’s illumination, two for controlling its signal-processing features (I explain these below), and a mute switch. The middle row has five controls, for selecting sources and initiating Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections. In the bottom row is an on/off button and, to its right, a long slider for adjusting the volume, the level indicated by blue LEDs. The supplied remote-control handset can be used to mute or adjust the volume, pause or resume playback, cycle through sources, and control the Aurora’s signal-processing features.

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