熱搜: hifi av 音樂
樓主: Ginxx

[數碼線] 請教一下網絡線

發表於 2018-5-3 16:03:13 | 顯示全部樓層
t1174 發表於 2018-5-3 15:48
好奇怪, upnp 食線,roon 又唔食。。。

Roon 用 RAAT protocol 來傳送 audio data. 小弟仍未確實清楚了解 RAAT,但可以肯定的是, RAAT相對於UPnP, 訊息傳遞是確實無誤的。

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發表於 2018-5-3 17:49:54 | 顯示全部樓層
my experience tells me that a fiber box and quality LPS for the NAS and server/renderer are essential for bringing down the noise in conventional network audio.

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發表於 2018-5-3 17:57:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Quote from https://community.roonlabs.com/.....

"RAAT includes a mechanism that allows Roon to model the device’s clock. This is done by exchanging a few network packets every few seconds. Roon internally models the device’s clock based on synchronization data from these exchanges, the system clock on the Roon machine, and a model of the drift between them. This is just an estimation, but that’s OK, since RAAT has an internal buffer. The point is making sure that that buffer doesn’t under-run or over-run. As long as the computer’s concept of the clock that RAAT is dealing with is within ~1s or so, everything is OK (in reality it’s usually within low hundreds of microseconds because this clock synchronization mechanism is also used for zone synchronization).Because Roon is sending data at the right rate, none of those potentially degrading solutions are required when sending audio to a single device."


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 樓主| 發表於 2018-5-3 18:18:03 | 顯示全部樓層
fiber box連線牛邊度有一set賣?

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發表於 2018-5-3 18:39:35 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2018-5-3 18:47:24 | 顯示全部樓層
I think the consideration of not using wifi is more about its reliability when streaming highres/DXD or dsd64/128/256/512 files.

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發表於 2018-5-3 19:19:23 來自手機 | 顯示全部樓層
vhs 發表於 2018-5-3 14:58
小弟跟你的情況差不多. 小弟儲存所有歌曲在書房的主電腦內,主電腦同客廳的dCS network bridge 距離大約 ...

我2年前由 uPNP 轉用 Roon,AIM LAN 線同 sotm sms-200 streamer 無變之下,我覺得好聲咗。後來入 streamer 呢段 LAN 加入了 FMC,亦覺得有少少改善。又無諗到換番雞線去試…

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發表於 2018-5-3 20:59:26 | 顯示全部樓層
paulkwan 發表於 2018-5-3 19:19
我2年前由 uPNP 轉用 Roon,AIM LAN 線同 sotm sms-200 streamer 無變之下,我覺得好聲咗。後來 ...

你也可以試試。玩 hifi 的樂趣就是這樣。

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發表於 2018-5-4 15:18:18 | 顯示全部樓層
我用wifi過streamer.不過個NAS都是用普通入牆Cat6到TP-link giga switch去router

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