熱搜: hifi av 音樂
樓主: CKKeung

[CAS] 2019農曆新年玩嘢試嘢小報告之二 : SGM Extreme Server

發表於 2020-2-5 04:52:59 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2020-2-8 08:50:35 | 顯示全部樓層
tleonard 發表於 2020-2-5 04:52
Roy 師兄嘅 review 真係正到無朋友:

https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/taiko-audio-sgm-extreme-t ...

Dear tleonard hing,

yes,  the Extreme server 真係好堅呀.... 連個機箱的孔的design都係用來trap RF 的.....  如果唔係Roy 的 CAS DIY master 我想好難叫佢比錢呢...


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 樓主| 發表於 2022-11-26 09:04:26 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 CKKeung 於 2022-11-26 09:08 編輯

Taiko Audio 的 Extreme Server, 售後服務一流, 是一直都有免費的 firmware/software upgrades 給予用家的。

所以繼在 2021 獲得 The Absolute Sound 的 Best CAS Server Award 後, 今年 2022 更獲得 TAS 的 Golden Ear 2022 終極大獎 了!

恭喜恭喜!  {:5_201:}

https://www.theabsolutesound.com ... treme-music-server/

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發表於 2022-11-30 10:20:03 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2022-11-26 09:04
Taiko Audio 的 Extreme Server, 售後服務一流, 是一直都有免費的 firmware/software upgrades 給予用家的 ...

Enjoy the Music awards.jpg

Extreme server 仲得到 Best of 2022 award from Enjoy the music !

不愧係最好的 music server  呢.  


Taiko SGM Extreme Hi-Res Music Streamer Review -

comment :  The best music server I've ever heard.

Review By Dr. Matthew Clott

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發表於 2023-2-27 08:39:50 | 顯示全部樓層

由 2023 年開始,基本上 CAS 界已經進入革命性創新時代,的而且確係好難繼續用固有嘅思維方式去了解任何嘢,否則只會原地踏步:

In my system, this unassuming looking CAT6 cable that started life as an inexpensive Blue Jeans Cable CAT6 UTP cable with no fancy shield or connector has a greater impact than even a Gamma power cable or a QSA-treated network switch. This CAT6 cable (combined with a QSA LAN Jitter) have singlehandedly made Roon sound better than XDMS on the Extreme (no small feat) and have allowed Qobuz streaming to sound identical to the playback of locally stored files in blind testing (which is a first for me). This simple LAN cable almost completely renders the network moot in my system.
As good as the SGM Extreme is, at this point, my nVidia TV Shield Pro, this $200 piece of gear that has no right to be fed data from an expensive QSA Gamma Infinity LAN cable and powered by a Paul Hynes SR4 LPSU with QSA Silver fuse and a Gamma Infinity power cord was outperforming a $30k music server that I consider to be the best in the world. Compared to the Extreme, the nVidia device sounded a touch more forward than I would like but otherwise, dynamics, sound staging, air, clarity, and tone were either on par or better than the Extreme now. It was bad enough that until I got the Spectra back yesterday, I had decided to shut down the Extreme.

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 樓主| 發表於 2023-2-27 12:57:27 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 CKKeung 於 2023-2-27 13:05 編輯
tleonard 發表於 2023-2-27 08:39
由 2023 年開始,基本上 CAS 界已經進入革命性創新時代,的而且確係好難繼續用固有嘅思維方式去了解任何 ...

你上面的 post, 只 cut 咗 Romaz(Roy) 的 post 的一部份出來, 是容易令人誤會的。

其實 Romaz 是 QSA-Lanedri cables 的鉄粉, 他的真正意思是:用咗 QSA-Lanedri cables 落去的 nVidia Shield Pro, 可以和他的 Extreme Server fight 過, 因為他拔走了後者的 QSA-Lanedris powercord 來借給友人。

QSA-Lanedris cables 的威力, 我親身實地試過, 當時是和品牌的其中一位老細 Anas 一起測試的。
把 QSA-Lanedris Spectra Prince powercord 插進 Extreme Server, 改善是大得嚇人的!簡直是進了天堂似的!

以下才是 Romaz(Roy) 在 WBF 的整個 post :


BTW 不如你自己買部 nVidia Shield TV Pro, 用作音樂 streamer 聽下, 然後在 Hiendy share 一下啦?
若能配上 QSA-Lanedris cables 就更好的了。

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發表於 2023-2-27 16:03:36 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 betta 於 2023-2-27 17:39 編輯
tleonard 發表於 2023-2-27 08:39
由 2023 年開始,基本上 CAS 界已經進入革命性創新時代,的而且確係好難繼續用固有嘅思維方式去了解任何 ...

師兄,你是否話用此牌子的產品,CAS就會進入革命新時代呀?如果係,你有冇用緊呢?我好有興趣,但呢個牌子價錢都係貴,一條入門Ethernet cable (你附上的圖片這條膠插頭,我以為黃金商場貨)都要US$2,500, 雖然現時做緊半價優惠(明天最後一天)。
一台HK$1,900嘅機,插上QSA產品,比美Taiko SGM Extreme, 我真想問嗰個寫手佢係唔係有病!

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發表於 2023-2-28 00:05:47 | 顯示全部樓層
CKKeung 發表於 2023-2-27 12:57
你上面的 post, 只 cut 咗 Romaz(Roy) 的 post 的一部份出來, 是容易令人誤會的。

CKKeung 師兄, 照Roy的講法,Extreme如果唔用QSA cables, 都會輸比一部低級streamer 用上QSA products. Roy 自己已經試完兩個setup, 信唔信佢都唔會買齊幾件野來試呱.

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 樓主| 發表於 2023-2-28 13:14:18 | 顯示全部樓層
Romaz 咁做, 香港未有發燒友試過吧。
佢部 nVidia Shield TV Pro 是經 QSA treat 過的呢。
QSA website 未見有得賣。

但香港的 身痕/好奇 發燒友, 可以先買部普通的 nVidia 試下先吖?

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發表於 2023-3-5 13:14:47 | 顯示全部樓層
對唔住,阿 Roy 師兄已經證實咗 nVidia TV Shield Pro 嘅所有內部零件同埋外殼並無任何 QSA 嘅 treatment 可言,暫時佢手頭上只有一隻 network switch 先至真係有 QSA 嘅 treatment process 咁話喎:

Personally, the only QSA-treated component I have experience with is their network switch.


實際上佢講嘅係邊一隻都無乜分別,反正佢家陣淨係用一件好普通嘅 router 已經夠照有突:

My QSA LAN Jitter is Horn Silver. Paired with the QSA Lanedri Gamma Infinity LAN cable (with Video treatment), it's everything I could ask for. It positively impacts both audio and video and leapfrogs anything I have ever experienced from a network switch or power supply to a switch. At one point, I had stacks of network switches in place powered by high-level PSUs from Paul Hynes. All those switches have been removed. Now, I go from my $100 Ubiquiti router to the Extreme or nVidia TV Shield Pro. If you did nothing else but this, already this will be a big leap but adding a Gamma PC to my Paul Hynes SR7 that powers my router and modem also adds significantly. As stated before, the impact is additive.
話分兩頭,嚴格嚟講 nVidia TV Shield Pro 並唔可以話佢係一件 typical 嘅 consumer product,或者真係應驗咗「等價交換」嘅法則都唔定,捨得餵幾好嘅電俾佢,佢就會照單全收:



Exploring the historical origin of planned obsolescence, when some of the world biggest electrical manufacturers formed a light bulb cartel in the 1920s, Jacques reveals how products that are essential to our modern lifestyles are still made to break. During his investigation, Jacques uncovers the process by which a crucial transformation happened and attitudes towards spending were transformed. Instead of needing new goods because our old ones were broken, we learned to want them for reasons of fashion and aspiration - awaking a consumer appetite that could never be satisfied.

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 樓主| 發表於 2023-3-6 18:50:32 | 顯示全部樓層
tleonard 發表於 2023-3-5 13:14
對唔住,阿 Roy 師兄已經證實咗 nVidia TV Shield Pro 嘅所有內部零件同埋外殼並無任何 QSA 嘅 treatment  ...

哦, Roy 在 20 Feb WBF Post#147 的原文, 寫法令人誤會他的 nVidia 已受了 QSA-treatment, 其實是 untreated 的呢。

tleonard兄, 你試了那部 nVidia 未?

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