熱搜: hifi av 音樂
樓主: PhantomGTR

[CAS] 勁好聲、勁易用、又好 powerful 的 Snake-oil OS!

 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-27 10:31:11 | 顯示全部樓層
seafoodlover 發表於 2019-8-14 16:28
Dear agent_kith,

After installed the snake oil, when using MPD 21.X, after the service started, t ...

FYI, so far 我用 MPD 21.x 都無問題。

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-27 10:40:54 | 顯示全部樓層
patkwok 發表於 2019-8-27 09:44
唔知有無人用緊raspberry pi行snakeoil呢?

我見 Agent Kith 係 forum 都有講佢諗住用最新 Pi 去試。不過我覺得如果 Pi 入面個 clock 唔得既話,咁真係好將價就貨(Pi = super high C/P)。
因為係我套機仔,揀 HPET 定 TSC 做clock source 都好唔同聲。我估 Pi 入面個 clock 唔好得過 TSC level。如果有用家現在係接受 HPET 既聲,咁佢能夠接愛到 Pi 出嚟既聲幾多呢? 除非 Pi 個 hardware 有其他嘢,加上蛇油又能用到呢D PI 咁精簡既 features,令到成件事能夠 outweight Pi Clock 準確度既問題。咁就真係有好大隻蛤乸隨街跳。

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發表於 2019-8-27 10:45:17 | 顯示全部樓層
PhantomGTR 發表於 2019-8-27 10:40
我見 Agent Kith 係 forum 都有講佢諗住用最新 Pi 去試。不過我覺得如果 Pi 入面個 clock 唔得既話,咁真 ...

唸緊加個usb reclocker俾pi可能work wor

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-27 10:51:12 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 PhantomGTR 於 2019-8-27 10:52 編輯
patkwok 發表於 2019-8-27 10:45
唸緊加個usb reclocker俾pi可能work wor

以我呢個 layman 的理解,我講既 clock 係底板上運行個 clock,直接影響成部機的 hardware 同 software 運作準確性,係 data 中的 upstream。而USB reclocker 只係影響 output 個位,已經係 data 中的 downstream,改變唔到 upstream 引致既問題。
及因為現在CAS 的 USB mode 主要係行  asynchronize mode,咁DAC 上個 clock 既影同重要性就遠遠大過 USB clock 既重要性了。

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發表於 2019-8-27 10:58:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 patkwok 於 2019-8-27 11:11 編輯
PhantomGTR 發表於 2019-8-27 10:51
以我呢個 layman 的理解,我講既 clock 係底板上運行個 clock,直接影響成部機的 hardware 同 software  ...

係咪都係用返mini itx板會好D呢?

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-27 11:32:08 | 顯示全部樓層
patkwok 發表於 2019-8-27 10:58
係咪都係用返mini itx板會好D呢?

師兄不用客氣!現在嚟講,如果唔買呢現成廠機 player/streamer,自己砌機既話,我諗都係。
如果以呢D 砌機嚟計,budget 夠就可以諗下一D 好似 Edsion133 出的 music server https://nandeaudio.com/product/core/,佢地已 optimize 晒機內的 power supply,clock,CMOS setting,size, heat sink and cable layout 等等,慳地方同易攪好多,又有 follow-up,乾手淨腳。最多只係問佢唔連 software 賣幾錢。

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發表於 2019-8-27 11:53:54 | 顯示全部樓層
PhantomGTR 發表於 2019-8-27 11:32
師兄不用客氣!現在嚟講,如果唔買呢現成廠機 player/streamer,自己砌機既話,我諗都係。
如果以呢D 砌 ...



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 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-27 12:02:28 | 顯示全部樓層
patkwok 發表於 2019-8-27 11:53


佢部機係內置LPS,如果分開買,跟返呢 spec 買零件都唔少錢。

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發表於 2019-8-31 21:30:43 | 顯示全部樓層
想問snakeoil有無得用wifi connect?定一要用Lan?
因為唔見setup page有得setup wifi

同埋想mount隻NAS,佢話要activate 左snakeoil先得

p.s. 我用raspberry pi

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-31 21:47:55 | 顯示全部樓層
patkwok 發表於 2019-8-31 21:30
想問snakeoil有無得用wifi connect?定一要用Lan?
因為唔見setup page有得setup wifi

>> 想問snakeoil有無得用wifi connect?定一要用Lan?
不,但要自己打 command

>> 同埋想mount隻NAS,佢話要activate 左snakeoil先得
不,只係未 activate 就只能 mount 一個 source,要mount NAS 就要 unmount 咗其他 source 先 (e.g. internal HD)

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發表於 2019-9-1 14:24:25 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-9-1 14:38:08 | 顯示全部樓層
https://www.snakeoil-os.net/foru ... -7?pid=2908#pid2908
新 FW 出咗,有得玩 RAMPLAY!!!!!

0000350: [web-app] Disable "Enable Client" checkbox automatically if a server player has supported clients but none of the clients are installed
0000349: [players] Experimental HQPlayer4 Desktop support
0000272: [web-app] Activated: Add a mechanism to perform release updates
0000348: [web-app] Show ramfs/tmpfs RAM DISK in media library
0000346: [players] Update mpd 21 to 0.21.14
0000343: [web-app] Allow creation of RAM disk in GUI
0000347: [web-app] Add missing check for spaces in Snakeoil priority process name fields
0000345: [players] Reduce firmware sizes by stripping old versions of Squeezelite and MPD.
0000344: [install] Keep custom MPD Squeezelite players on firmware upgrade
0000328: [players] Activated: Honour uninstalled applications
0000340: [web-app] Show a message at end of update Ubuntu to let users know install has finished
0000341: [web-app] Change mouse cursor when it's hovering over a button
0000351: [web-service] Use bundled curl instead of OS supplied curl
0000352: [web-service] Monitor PHP upload size limit and change accordingly if they're too small

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發表於 2019-9-1 17:27:24 | 顯示全部樓層
都係add唔到個mount point

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-9-1 20:54:33 | 顯示全部樓層
patkwok 發表於 2019-9-1 17:27
都係add唔到個mount point

你係咪有手指又開埋 ramdisk? 如果係,請拎走咗佢地再試試看。

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-10-9 09:24:33 | 顯示全部樓層

Some exciting news:

"With the additional of the new Ryzen server, it's now possible to add the long awaited custom kernel web site."

Snakeoil Patrons and Paypal donors will be able to access this website to custom build a kernel just for their Snakeoil PC. From this website you can specify your storage device (NVMe, SATA, etc), network drivers (Intel, Realtek), audio device, native DSD code.

Here be the source code for the Snakeoil kernel. Custom patches and what not. I do not believe in keeping secrets. Every new gem I've discovered is always shared with the community. Eventually I will like the entire Snakeoil OS codebase to be open sourced. I've set a target of 1337 patrons, once we have that, the code will be available to all for scrunity.

Files generated from the custom site will be placed here for users to download. The files will be time limited, and be deleted after 21 days. The custom site will keep a history of your previous configurations, so you can recall them as necessary. Including recalling old configurations, modify them and resubmit as a new config.

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發表於 2019-10-12 19:19:38 | 顯示全部樓層
PhantomGTR 發表於 2019-10-9 09:24

Some exciting news:

我之前用M.2 裝唔到!終於有機會了

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-10-12 20:41:47 | 顯示全部樓層
Jacky820 發表於 2019-10-12 19:19
我之前用M.2 裝唔到!終於有機會了

Good Luck, Jacky820!!!

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-2 22:14:04 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 PhantomGTR 於 2019-12-3 07:13 編輯

蛇油又出了新 update!!!
https://www.snakeoil-os.net/foru ... nd-Testing-Update-8

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發表於 2019-12-3 19:11:29 | 顯示全部樓層
PhantomGTR 發表於 2019-12-2 22:14
蛇油又出了新 update!!!
https://www.snakeoil-os.net/forums/Thread-Snakeoil-Firmware-1-1-8-B ...

Thanks GTR師兄, 小弟還是用緊U6, 可以分享一下U8的聲音表現嗎? 從RAM跟NAS上播放有很明顯的提升嗎?
再也多謝 Agent_Kith 的用心貢獻.

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-3 21:06:06 | 顯示全部樓層
SundayDriver 發表於 2019-12-3 19:11
Thanks GTR師兄, 小弟還是用緊U6, 可以分享一下U8的聲音表現嗎? 從RAM跟NAS上播放有很明顯的提升嗎?
再也 ...

Hi, Sundaydriver 兄:

>> 小弟還是用緊U6, 可以分享一下U8的聲音表現嗎?
因為近來屋企擺設有些改變,攪到喇叭擺位都時時要改,請恕我個到不能比較到唔同版本了。你不妨 update 試下,即使唔啱聽時 install U6 落去就可以還原了。

>> 從RAM跟NAS上播放有很明顯的提升嗎?

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