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[商戶廣告] Verity Finn + Tellurium Special Offer

發表於 2019-12-28 11:17:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-12-28 11:30 編輯

Verity 在眾多發燒友中有著崇高地為.  擁有Verity 喇叭可以安心聽音樂.  Finn貴為 Verity 家族入門及最暢銷型號.  承蒙 Verity 代理優惠推廣, 兼配英國Tellurium銀喇叭線.  超級抵買, 勿失良機!

vetrity finn promotion.jpg
發表於 2019-12-28 12:01:17 | 顯示全部樓層
只要離開後牆有足夠距離, 又幾抵玩喎

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2019-12-28 13:32:30 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2019-12-28 13:33:55 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2019-12-28 15:18:00 | 顯示全部樓層
起砖有5 至一6 呎

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發表於 2019-12-28 15:21:47 | 顯示全部樓層
起碼有5 至 6呎

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發表於 2019-12-28 15:57:45 | 顯示全部樓層


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-28 16:08:37 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-12-28 16:20 編輯

其實大家不用擔心,很多朋友都誤會back fire 一定要離後牆遠些。但不一定啊!若家居一定要貼後牆放。只需透過toe in 便可以較準適合的平衡度了。

Back fire 主要是設計師在已決定好的箱體設計,考慮把低音單元放置在那邊聲音會較平衡順滑,大家都知,低音無方向性的。



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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-28 16:27:26 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-12-28 16:35 編輯

我們今天在master showroom 玩Finn,  靚聲非常,歡迎前來一起分享。 7B9D9BAD-C77C-4480-9247-5756A4BD560E.jpeg

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發表於 2019-12-28 18:13:29 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 haha12 於 2019-12-28 19:03 編輯
Avantgarde-HK 發表於 2019-12-28 16:08
其實大家不用擔心,很多朋友都誤會back fire 一定要離後牆遠些。但不一定啊!若家居一定要貼後牆放。只需透 ...

愚見這種喇叭設計, 若要取得最理想音場, 距離 後牆 5呎或以上係合理擺位。

溫馨提示並非所有喇叭都須要 Toe In, 要視乎喇叭單元中高頻擴散能力. 若硬以大角度 Toe In 將就擺位仍權宜之計, 有得亦有失也。

凡事取易不取難, 若果離後牆僅兩三呎空間 亦可以諗吓其他選擇。

使用道具 舉報

 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-28 20:45:11 | 顯示全部樓層
haha12 發表於 2019-12-28 18:13
愚見這種喇叭設計, 若要取得最理想音場, 距離 後牆 5呎或以上係合理擺位。

溫馨提示並非所有喇叭都須 ...


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發表於 2019-12-28 21:10:06 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 haha12 於 2019-12-28 23:26 編輯
Avantgarde-HK 發表於 2019-12-28 20:45


呢對喇叭確係好玩又好聲,  但由於小弟對音場再生有相當要求, 吾會建議在後牆空間不足情况之下採用, 因為可以有其它選擇, 物理特性上嘅限制係好難逆轉嘅, 此仍個人意見.

音响之道主觀成份頗重, 所以有興趣嘅師兄應該耳聽為準, 實戰經驗仍累積所得也.

使用道具 舉報

發表於 2019-12-28 21:10:11 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2019-12-28 21:44:13 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2019-12-29 07:31:30 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 haha12 於 2019-12-29 07:58 編輯

剛剛看到一篇文章,提及 低頻 傳輸方向性 討論, 說明中小型喇叭系統低音單元嘅位置及方向性都是考慮因素,摘録如下:

the length of bass sound waves is important is that below a certain frequency (room dependent), where you place the subwoofer in the room really makes little difference in bass balance within the room. This is very different from what you’ve read in other publications for years. Loudspeaker placement is still important because the loudspeaker produces frequencies that are much higher with shorter wavelengths than subwoofers. So loudspeaker placement is not really governed by this "rule." But with subwoofers -- let’s say your room is 13 feet wide and 17 feet long with an eight-foot-high ceiling. If the speed of sound is 1150 feet per second, the width of your room can support wavelengths down to 88.4Hz, the length can support wavelengths down to 67.6Hz and the height can support wavelengths down to 143.75Hz. If your subwoofer crossover point is 60Hz, almost everything coming out of the subwoofer will be larger in wavelength than any dimension in your room. You can put the subs in the center of the room, or just about anywhere in the room with little or no qualitative difference in the sound of the bass. One thing though, as the subwoofer approaches a two-sided or three-sided corner, the wall/floor/ceiling surfaces will "horn load" the subwoofer and the bass may sound a bit louder near a two-surface or three-surface corner. But the quality won’t change much and the balance won’t change much. The higher the crossover frequency for the subwoofer, the more concern there may be for where the subwoofer is located. So you can use the walls and corners of the room to "lift" the subwoofers’ bass energy in the room a little if you need it.

generally, the smaller the main loudspeakers, the higher the crossover point needs to be. The higher the crossover point, the more you need two subwoofers. Any time a significant portion of the subwoofer’s operating range goes over 100Hz, you really want to seriously consider two subwoofers. Use this rule of thumb to decide if you really need two subwoofers for imaging reasons: Double the subwoofer’s crossover point, and if that number is higher than 100Hz, an argument can be made that two subwoofers will be better for stereo imaging than a single subwoofer. If the doubled crossover point number is higher than 100Hz and you can only deal with having one subwoofer for space or budget reasons, that single subwoofer should unquestionably be placed in the center of the two main loudspeakers for imaging purposes. Placing a single subwoofer off to one side when it will be reproducing any sounds above 100Hz will pull the image to the side. Not many subwoofers crossover as low as 50Hz or lower. This implies that not many subwoofers are going to perform optimally when you only use one. You can use one subwoofer, just know that there will be a compromise as compared to using two subs。。。

Here are the "rules." Feel free to break them for any number of legitimate reasons, but understand that by doing so, a compromise of some sort and some magnitude will be introduced. You may find the consequence inaudible or inconsequential. That doesn’t mean it is unimportant or incorrect; it just means that in your system, it wasn’t a significant factor.



音響 仍 物理科技 + 實踐經驗累積嘅成果, 明白多點基礎理論,理想更快達到。





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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-29 09:50:27 | 顯示全部樓層
haha12 發表於 2019-12-29 07:31
剛剛看到一篇文章,提及 低頻 傳輸方向性 討論, 說明中小型喇叭系統低音單元嘅位置及方向性都是考慮因素, ...

謝謝ha ha 兄的分享。 那大家在擺位又多些知識了。

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-29 10:04:12 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-12-29 10:05 編輯

The Four Secrets of Speaker Placement
https://www.theabsolutesound.com ... -speaker-placement/

Excerpted and adapted from the Fifth Edition of The Complete Guide to High-End Audio. Copyright © 1994–2019 by Robert Harley. For more information, visit hifibooks.com. To order call (800) 841-4741.

The single most important factor in getting the best sound from your system is the positioning of the loudspeakers and the listening seat. Just by moving your speakers you can dial-in the system’s overall tonal balance, the quantity and quality of bass, soundstage width and depth, midrange clarity, and imaging. As you make large changes in speaker placements and then fine-tune these positions with smaller and smaller adjustments, you’ll hear in the sound a newfound musical rightness and seamless harmonic integration. When you get it right, your system will come alive.

[1) The relationship between the loudspeakers and the listener is of paramount importance.

The listener and speakers should form an equilateral triangle; without this basic setup, you’ll never hear good soundstaging and imaging. The listener should sit exactly between the two speakers (called the “sweet spot”), at a distance away from each speaker that’s slightly greater than the distance between the speakers themselves. If you don’t have this fundamental relationship, you’ll never hear good soundstaging.

Setting the distance between the speakers is a trade-off between a wide soundstage and a strong center or “phantom” image. The farther apart the loudspeakers (assuming the same listening position), the wider the soundstage. As the speakers are moved farther apart, however, the center image weakens, and can even disappear. If the speakers are too close together, the soundstage narrows.

Speakers placed the optimal distance apart will produce a strong center image and a wide soundstage. A musical selection with a singer and sparse accompaniment is ideal for setting loudspeaker spacing and ensuring a strong center image. With the speakers fairly close together, listen for a tightly focused image of the singer exactly between the two speakers. Move the speakers a little farther apart and listen again. Repeat this move/listen procedure until you start to hear the central image become larger, more diffuse, and less focused, indicating that you’ve gone slightly beyond the maximum distance your speakers should be from each other for a given listening position.

2) Proximity of loudspeakers to walls affects the amount of bass.
The nearer the loudspeakers are to walls and corners, the louder the bass. You can reduce excessive bass by moving your speakers farther out into the room. How far into the room the speakers are positioned also affects the clarity of the bass because certain speaker locations don’t excite the room’s resonant modes as strongly. You can reduce these resonances by following the “rule of thirds” which states that, for the best bass response, the distance between the speakers and the wall behind them should be one-third the length of the room. This is often impractical, but one-fifth the room length is generally the next-best location.

3) e farther out into the room the loudspeakers are, the better the soundstaging—particularly depth.
Positioning loudspeakers close to the wall behind them can destroy the impression of a deep soundstage. Acoustically reflective objects such as a television or fireplace near the speakers can also degrade soundstaging. A deep, expansive soundstage is rarely developed with the loudspeakers near the front wall; pulling the speakers out a few feet can make the difference between poor and spectacular soundstaging.

4) Toe-in affects tonal balance, soundstage width, and image focus.
Toe-in is pointing a loudspeaker inward toward the listener rather than aiming it straight ahead. Toe-in is a powerful tool for dialing-in the soundstage and treble balance. There are no rules for toe-in; the optimal amount will vary greatly with the speaker and the room.

Toe-in increases the amount of treble heard at the listening seat. You can fine-tune a speaker’s treble balance by adjusting the amount of toe-in in small increments and listening after each adjustment.

Toe-in also increases soundstage focus and image specificity. When toed-in, many loudspeakers provide a more focused and sharply delineated soundstage. Images are more clearly defined, compact, and tight, rather than diffuse and lacking a specific spatial position. The optimal toe-in angle is often a trade-off between too much treble and a strong central image. With lots of toe-in, the soundstage snaps into focus, but the sound is often too bright. With no toe-in, the treble balance is smoother, but the imaging is more vague. You can find the best balance simply by listening and adjusting.

Toe-in also affects the sound’s overall spaciousness. No toe-in produces a larger, more billowy, less precise soundstage. Instruments are less clearly delineated, but the sound is bigger and more expansive. Toeing-in the speakers shrinks the apparent size of the soundstage, but allows more precise image delineation. Finally, identical (and I mean identical) toe-in for both speakers is essential to realistic soundstaging. There’s no substitute for a listen-adjust-listen process to realize ideal speaker placement.





使用道具 舉報

發表於 2019-12-29 10:17:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Avantgarde-HK 發表於 2019-12-29 10:04
The Four Secrets of Speaker Placement
https: ...

Good Sharing

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-29 10:22:57 | 顯示全部樓層
其實據我們了解,喇叭無論怎樣設計都是設計師sound tuning 嘅方法,是千變萬化的。有些朋友起歡氣墊式,有些鐘意低音反射式,有些又話要氣孔要在前,有些話要後,向下都有。正所謂各有優點,同時亦有缺點。


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-29 10:32:13 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-12-29 10:34 編輯

Fin a new high-end, high-efficiency loudspeaker from Verity, redefines the standard of excellence for compact loudspeakers. Its high efficiency, along with its stable, 8-ohm nominal impedance, offers unusually natural dynamics with a wide range of amplifiers. The Finn’s driver quality, advanced cabinet construction, exceptional industrial design and fit-and-finish embody the true essence of Verity’s high-end perfection.

-Efficiency: 91 dB 1W/1m;
-Fully custom-made proprietary transducers using state-of-the-art technologies;
-Startling balance of transparency and musicality, complete with a nice full mid-bass to lower mid sound;
-High and stable impedance for an easy adaptation to a wide range of electronics;
-Verity’s unique rear-firing woofer configuration provides extreme definition down to the lowest octaves;
-Small size at no loss of performance;
-Gorgeously crafted and finished with exquisite Italian lacquer, plus a choice of optional Verity wood veneers.n,


在音響界已有 22 年歷史的加拿大品牌 Verity Audio,獲獎無數的 Finn 揚聲器載譽歸來,值得推介給追求體積適中極緻音質的揚聲器用家。Verity Audio 一向的理念是以最小的尺寸生產出完整而具有發燒級數的喇叭系統,筆者認為對於香港這個寸金尺土的地方來說,體積細小的確是十分吸引的賣點,節省地方之餘,又不會對室內的裝修陳設有太大影響。

Finn 體積為 100.3cm X 25.4cm X 34.3cm,以發燒級立體聲揚聲器來說算是適中。採用 3 路 3 單元設計,由 1 吋軟膜高音單元、5 吋特殊纖維中音單元、6 吋特殊纖維低音單元組成。聲音表現動態範圍强大,除了作立體聲為主的音樂揚聲器使用外,自組多聲道家影院組合亦非常合適,以數萬元價位揚聲器來說可算是十分突出,有興趣的網友不妨到香港代理龍駿的陳列室試聽。

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