熱搜: hifi av 音樂
樓主: loklam

[分享] Acoustic System Resonance 麗聲雷達(聖杯)

發表於 2010-8-23 23:16:57 | 顯示全部樓層
玩HIFI確實係唔簡單, 但我同意LOKLAM兄講, ROOM Acoustic 係非常重要的一環...玩得唔好, 幾貴的器材都好難 ...
supercow 發表於 2010-8-23 10:09

這神物在ROOM Acoustic 方面確是有一定作用, 但只用它去完全克服戶間問題真是要用不小金錢。:funk:
唔知各位師兄有冇試過用一些比較便宜的方法或DIY物件去改善戶間問題? 可否分享一些給我等想玩又冇銀之人?:loveliness: 真是功德無量呀各位師兄!

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發表於 2010-8-24 11:00:27 | 顯示全部樓層
今日見冇咩野做就走左去19樓行左個轉,買左佢BASIC三寶(銅聖杯,DIFFUSOR同PHASE CORRETOR)可能有人覺得 ...
loklam 發表於 2010-8-22 19:38


你现祗得三宝, 快"D買( 银聖杯 )

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-24 11:55:37 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 42# ming1212


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發表於 2010-8-24 21:50:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ming1212 於 2010-8-24 21:59 編輯
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loklam 發表於 2010-8-24 11:55

    恭喜loklam  c-hing 是否再加 銀杯 x2 共5宝嗎?


我初初朋友借咗粒( 圖形 )玩, 我當堂大吃一驚, 放幾高在人聲嘴型音場就幾高.

仲最要可將左右轉 ( 本身有木紋 ) 橫紋可將型做到寬廣的音埸  . 直紋可將增強分析加 ,但同時會減小音樂味   真是好利害 用家可以慢慢地...左轉轉...右轉轉...調音校果

" 牛內粒" 是要有5宝後,用來再收正音場變化, 可放玻璃減小反射處波 與  喇叭的反射的反射點收正

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發表於 2010-8-24 22:45:24 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ming1212 於 2010-8-24 22:49 編輯
這神物在ROOM Acoustic 方面確是有一定作用, 但只用它去完全克服戶間問題真是要用不小金錢。
唔 ...
flyhigh 發表於 2010-8-23 23:16

    hi  flyhigh c-hing

其實好多日常物件,都可以有吸音與反射的作用 .

例如在音響界有幾位老前輩, 家中一樹.一花盆.一件掛起玉器.舊木凳.等等雜物都是 有EQ 的作用

但要不停反復常試,不過須要好多時間和心機和 要好了解,本身聆聽空間音場反射位

都見過有位 朋友做個木箱 / 紙卷 吸底頻處波 又行得通 有明顯作用

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發表於 2010-8-25 00:10:36 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 45# ming1212


我也用過一些長身型紙通在身上開多小孔再放入很多海綿吸底頻注波, 而且把它放在前牆的兩邊角位最有較果。
但發覺不能用過多, 因感到同時也會吸去一些高頻。:(

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發表於 2010-8-25 00:28:53 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ming1212 於 2010-8-25 00:30 編輯
回復  ming1212


我也用過一些長身型紙通在身上開多小孔再放入很多海綿吸底頻注波, 而 ...
flyhigh 發表於 2010-8-25 00:10

    試試風聆 /油畫

例如: 當你聆聽空間是正方型, 器材在正前方. 自己先坐在王帝位, 其中一個朋友拿片鏡子,在左右二邊牆找鏡子反射角度要王帝位看過喇叭


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發表於 2010-8-25 00:47:37 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 ming1212 於 2010-8-25 01:48 編輯
回復  ming1212

loklam 發表於 2010-8-24 11:55

    有一次我祇用 麗聲雷達  ( 圓型木 ) 校AV 聲, 戲名己不太寄得, 但其中一片男主角在警察局內戲

當時我將  ( 圓型木 ) 轉到直紋,分析力深度己增加   景然這場戲中警察局內 除左主角之外   ,可以仲清楚聽到後面D" 人對話神奇呢

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發表於 2010-8-25 01:01:58 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2010-8-25 11:05:03 | 顯示全部樓層
I then placed the 1st Silver on the on TV frames,
1. 人聲好清晰, 人聲噪減(靜), 改善大 (GOOD!)
2. 打橫計聲音更同步 Better horizontal coherence
3. 空氣感
4. 人聲位置高番 (GOOD!)
5. 分析力
6. 分隔度
7. 高音靜d (purer tone, 更鏗鏘)
8. 人聲有d warm d
9. I tried placing the resonator higher (on the cabinet mirror) but 人聲噪增
10. I later moved the resonator to right underneath the cabinet, vocal a bit higher vertically and人聲slightly more清晰

Then the 2st Silver on the ceiling on the front,
1. 分析力
2. 密度
3. 改善程度大, if I must quantify them, 分析力 +7%, 密度 +10%
4. I didn’t try re-positioning because it’s quite high, I should try later.
5. I also agree that these improvements may be readily/possibly substituted by器材, 線材 and 墊材. However, as I already used two SIN’s and two/three sets of cerabases at that time, to squeeze out another 10% of密度 is not easy, you know what I mean. There’s also the consideration of the added 音染 if I were to upgrade these線材 and 墊材, not an easy game to play. This 2nd Silver did not bring音染 which I could notice.

Then the 3rd Silver on the ceiling on the back,
1. 分隔度
2. 背景更靜
3. 收口型
4. 密度
5. 聲音 更浮”凸”
6. 浮”凸” 芝餘, 控制力更好,左右出聲收放更明顯, 更快
7. 低位置聲音更清晰 (GOOD!)
8. 音牆更闊度, 左右聲更有力,更浮”凸”
9. I didn’t try re-positioning because it’s quite high, I should try later.
10. 但人聲沒有再靜

About the Phase Corrector and Diffuser
1.        I used them the wrong way (I guess), leading (A) Diffuser on top of Phase Corrector on the floor and (B) Phase Corrector was too far from the Copper resonator base
2.        For (A), 口型超大, 錯誤?
3.        For (B), the phase corrector was so far from the copper resonator base, eliminating its effectiveness
4.        Diffuser: 人聲更清晰, 集中
5.        Phase corrector: when 6cm apart, 聲音輕鬆d. When 2cm apart, 聲音較緊, I don’t notice reverberation 改善 like I did when the resonators improved密度, may be it’s me or the system.

Some more comments
1.        There’s no magic, they do what they’re supposed to. I didn’t even have to try the different positions, installed and settled. May be fine-tuning could further improve/degrade (i mean degrading from the current config, not before adding the resonators), need to try try first.

2.        They work without requiring line-of-sight to the ears

3.        I think…bass propagate like 鬼魂, they cling on walls and move along conjunctions. They reflect and diffract inside home and probably die out through dissipation and refraction. http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/sound/u11l3d.cfm. However, it’s interesting that by treating the浮游 bass, there’re improvements in treble and others.

4.        Yet I cannot imagine how using the resonators could simulate a virtual wall.

5.        I don’t think placing these resonators would filter out / reduce disturbing noise from outside the listening area. I thought I did once but did not have the same feeling ever again after that time. If you read the reviews on 6Moon, this is what the Writer claims. Yet they do enhance the listening ambiance when playing music within the listening area. May be I don’t have the Platinum resonators?

6.        I’ve not experimented the resonator by placing one on the table in a busy restaurant either, I kinda don’t believe this.   May be I don’t have the Platinum resonators?

7.        Turning the wings of the resonators (from wide to narrow or vice-versa) do impose changes but I have not tested this in-depth. Nor the tilting of the resonators on the bases. I think I always have the wide-wing side facing myself, that is having the marker mark on the right, not sure if I’m right about this.

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發表於 2010-8-25 11:11:06 | 顯示全部樓層
好似某數 ...
heidelbergcd74 發表於 2010-8-25 01:01


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發表於 2010-8-25 11:37:23 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 kingyan 於 2011-7-25 10:00 編輯


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發表於 2010-8-25 11:44:26 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2010-8-25 23:03:58 | 顯示全部樓層
試試風聆 /油畫

例如: 當你聆聽空間是正方型, 器材在正前方. 自己先坐在王 ...
ming1212 發表於 2010-8-25 00:28



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發表於 2010-8-26 13:50:43 | 顯示全部樓層
kingyan 發表於 2010-8-25 11:37

Kingyan 兄, 請不要玩小弟la . 好在無話我打手 (實在小弟有排都未夠班 ). 我很想可以放更多ga...如果唔使錢...

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發表於 2010-8-26 22:19:06 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 kingyan 於 2011-7-25 10:00 編輯


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發表於 2010-8-26 22:54:31 | 顯示全部樓層
how much for the 聖杯 , is it only one brand , where can I get it , I want to try try


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發表於 2010-8-26 23:04:03 | 顯示全部樓層
how much for the 聖杯 , is it only one brand , where can I get it , I want to try try

alexwrx 發表於 2010-8-26 22:54


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發表於 2010-8-27 09:13:59 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 58# BOY

    boy hing , where can I get it thx

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發表於 2010-8-27 10:03:44 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 kingyan 於 2011-7-25 10:00 編輯


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