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[附件] 最有效之較盤工具 - 德國acoustical- systems SMARTractor

發表於 2017-3-15 10:35:03 | 顯示全部樓層
tmpayk 發表於 2017-3-14 17:53

有貨啦, 快D打比聲望啦

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發表於 2017-3-20 19:55:45 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2017-3-20 21:09:02 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2017-3-20 21:15:15 | 顯示全部樓層

全新有花,德國佬QC 咁鬼渣

全新有花,德國佬QC 咁鬼渣

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發表於 2017-3-20 21:18:14 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2017-3-20 22:17:32 | 顯示全部樓層



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發表於 2017-3-20 22:19:07 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2017-3-20 22:42:46 | 顯示全部樓層






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 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-1 17:25:08 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-8-1 18:42 編輯

講起SMARTractor, Mr. Dietrich Brakemeier 本身是狂熱的頭版黑膠收藏家,而在聽黑膠的過程中,他注意到刻片長度與循跡失真的問題。

刻片長度代表唱片從外圈到內圈的距離,大部分黑膠唱片都會盡量刻滿,可是唱頭越往內圈跑,唱臂的循軌失真就越大,所以外圈比內圈好聽,這是聽黑膠的人都知道的道理,以傳統的唱臂設計方式,循跡誤差所產生的失真是不可避免.  那麼我們所使用的唱臂,設定循軌曲線的理論從哪裡而來?答案是Erik G. Loefgren與H. G. Baerwald在1938年與1941年提出的論文,而這兩位工程師的研究基礎,則是根據1937年11月B. Olney在「Electronic」雜誌所刊登的論文。

1938年與1941年的兩篇論文,以支軸唱臂的設計,無可避免會產生循跡誤差,但可以透過角度的補償,他們計算出不同的補償角,每一條循跡曲線都有各自的優點與缺點,但都是數學計算出來在「大多數情況下」相對較好的補償角度。隨後在1945年B. B. Bauer與1950年代中期 John Seagrave 的論文,證實了 Loefigren 與 Baerwald 理論的正確性,從此以後有了 Baerwald DIN 與Leofgren DIN 的循軌曲線,成為黑膠唱臂設計的準則。

但是問題來了,當年 Baerwald 與 Leofgren 計算循跡曲線時,數學最佳化的計算要應付78轉黑膠唱片、7吋、10吋與12吋唱片,所以他們所畫出來的循軌曲線,數學計算有較大的妥協。聰明的 Mr. Brakemeier , 用不一樣的角度來思考,他認為現在我們播放的黑膠幾乎都是12吋唱片,不需要考慮7吋或10吋唱片的情況,所以,是否能用標準12吋黑膠唱片的規格,重新計算數學最佳化的零點,畫出唱針對12吋黑膠唱片最佳化的循跡角度?

Mr. Brakemeier 馬上付諸行動,而這個新的循跡曲線就是UNI-DIN,唱臂與唱頭在這條新的循軌曲線上,可以讓人耳更不容易注意到循跡失真帶來的影響。道理就這麼簡單嗎?是的,但這是 Mr. Brakemeier 前後花了二十多年研究出來的結果。為了證明UNI-DIN循跡角度的效果,Dietrich製作了SMARTactor規尺,這個規尺包含了五種循跡角度的設定,前面四種是七十年前Loefgren與Baerwald提出的循跡角度,而最後一種則是 Mr. Brakemeier 所發明的UNI-DIN。UNI指的是Universal,就是通用的意思,而DIN則是德國工業標準(Deutsche Industrial Norm)的縮寫。

講到這裡,您一定對Acoustical Systems的SMARTractor感興趣,因為這是唯一可以調整校正UNI-DIN循軌曲線的規尺。UNI-DIN最大的突破,就是走出了Loefgren與Baerwald的零點位置(Null Point),用不一樣的零點位置來畫出失真更小、更趨近於直線的循跡曲線。


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-8-30 11:19:02 | 顯示全部樓層
While the UNI-Protractor represents the most universal and versatile phono alignment tool ever introduced in high-end audio, it is an instrument which - due to its complexity and versatility - appeals more to professional users.

The serious audiophile who is interested in aligning - if only periodically - his analog front-end to the utmost precision does look for precision which comes handy and which is easy to operate.

To answer this request we have designed the SMARTractor - a direct off-spring of our UNI-Protractor.

The SMARTractor brings the same unparalleled precise tangential alignment for which the UNI-Protractor earned its laurels - PLUS the 0.05mm precise mounting distance measurement of the UNI-P2S.

- The SMARTractor comes with five tangential curves combined in one template
- The SMARTractor's template is made from 3 mm (= same thickness as 180 g LP) strong premium grade German
  XT mirrored acrylic supplied by Evonik
- No-error-possible single-point alignment with 3 mm deep parallax (for ALL helping lines) - an extreme precise,
  easy and fast alignment
- Super easy to use with one-point fixed setting for every tangential curve
- All alignment lines are CNC-laser cut hairlines
- Incorporates real glass aluminum-frame magnifier with automatic focus jig for unrivaled precise magnified view
  during alignment
- All five tangential alignments are based on true triangular positioning and thus are independent of effective
and thus suitable for ALL pivot tonearms, no matter what their effective length or mounting position
- The SMARTractor further comes with in-built direct mounting distance - P2S -measurement with 0.05 mm

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-9-20 12:08:27 | 顯示全部樓層
The total of 5 tangential options of course includes the old audio phono standards set by Loefgren and Baerwald in the late 1930s and 1940s in both - IEC and DIN - norms.

* Loefgren A / Baerwald DIN

* Loefgren A / Baerwald IEC

* Loefgren B DIN

* Loefgren B IEC

and: .....

furthermore the SMARTractor features the critically acclaimed UNI-DIN tangential curve.

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-10-9 12:46:17 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-10-9 13:44 編輯

This is best protractor I've used. The design of the gauge makes it both flexible (allowing one to choose different geometries) and easy to use. Everything is well thought out, even down to the loupe that provides a great view of the stylus and cantilever, making precise measurements much easier. - Galen Carol

The SMARTractor features the critically acclaimed UNI-DIN tangential curve. An all new tangential curve using the latest calculations. In the last 2/3 of the record's groove, the UNI-DIN curve offers significant (18-45%) less average - as well as less total! - distortion than Baerwald or Loefgren. Sonically this gives you less stress on human (female) voices, more subtle details, less "grain", increased "air" and considerable more "headroom" in critical passages and especially so in climaxes.


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-11-5 12:53:36 | 顯示全部樓層
無論什麼年代, 什麼牌子, 什麼設計的唱臂, 只要有 SMARTractor就可以重生.


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-2 12:49:17 | 顯示全部樓層

A brief description of unique key features by the designer.

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-27 11:44:12 | 顯示全部樓層
The SMARTractor is probably the finest, most intelligently designed tonearm alignment tool available on the market.  

So, what’s special about the SMARTractor?

The SMARTractor now comes with one nylon centre bush, with a universal ‘gripping’ insert that is much easier to use than the previous arrangement of 3 separate bushes to accommodate different spindle sizes.
A unique bundle of features:
The SMARTractor comes with 5 tangential curves combined in 1 template.
the SMARTractor’s template is made from 3mm (= same thickness as 180 gr LP) strong premium grade german XT mirrored acrylic supplied by Evonik.
no-error-possible single-point alignment with 3mm deep parallax which means you can line up the cartridge cantilever very accurately against the calibrated marking and their reflections – you can be 100% sure that you’re looking from the correct angle.
enables you to precisely align a cartridge according to its cantilever, rather than the body sides.  Ever tried to align a cartridge body that does not have straight sides?  No problem at all with the SMARTtractor, even when the body obscures the cantilever.
super easy to use with 1-point fixed setting for every tangential curve.
all alignment lines are cnc-laser cut hairlines.
incorporates real glass aluminum-frame magnifier with automatic focus jig for unrivalled precise magnified view during alignment.
all 5 tangential alignments are based on true triangular positioning and thus are independent of effective length and thus suitable for ALL pivot tonearms, no matter what their effective length or mounting position.
The SMARTractor further comes with in-built direct mounting distance – P2S -measurement with 0.05mm accuracy.
The total of 5 tangential options of course includes the old audio phono standards set by Loefgren and Baerwald in the late 1930s and 1940s in both – IEC and DIN – norms:

-Loefgren A / Baerwald DIN
-Loefgren A / Baerwald IEC
-Loefgren B DIN
-Loefgren B IEC


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-23 15:28:26 | 顯示全部樓層
Acoustical Systems The SMARTractor Phono Alignment Tool

For the serious audiophile who is interested in aligning - if only periodically -their analogue front-end to the utmost precision does look for precision which comes handy and which is easy to operate.

To answer this request we have designed the SMARTractor - a direct off-spring of our UNI-Protractor.

The SMARTractor brings the same unparalleled precise tangential alignment for which the UNI-Protractor earned it’s laurels - PLUS the 0.05mm precise mounting distance measurement of the UNI-P2S.


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-19 12:50:31 | 顯示全部樓層
Enter the SMARTractor
In 1938, there were only monophonic shellac discs that spun at a high-resolution–friendly 78rpm, and whose jumbo grooves—more than twice as wide as an LP's microgroove—were, in some instances, modulated to within a few millimeters of the paper label. Before the microgroove LP, which Columbia Records introduced in 1948, classical record producers had no choice but to stretch a single movement across multiple sides or even multiple discs; in fact, before 1947, during the era when all commercial recordings were made direct-to-disc, producers and engineers got pretty good at it. (The art of acoustic orchestral fade-ins and fade-outs is now surely lost to us.)

The discrepancy of using a 78rpm-era phono-alignment scheme to optimize the sound of 331/3rpm stereophonic microgroove LPs did not go unnoticed by Dietrich Brakemeier, of the German firm Acoustical Systems (footnote 4). Beginning in 2010, Brakemeier set about creating a new alignment scheme tailored specifically to stereo microgroove LPs. The result of his work is a curve he calls UNI-DIN, the first three letters of the name being derived from universal, the last three standing for Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization), one of the organizations that establishes, among other things, the standard characteristics of commercial LPs.


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-3-18 12:46:29 | 顯示全部樓層
當你用過SMARTractor , 你便知道準確調較的重要


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-4-2 11:26:55 | 顯示全部樓層
The total of 5 tangential options of course includes the old audio phono standards set by Loefgren and Baerwald in the late 1930s and 1940s in both - IEC and DIN - norms.

* Loefgren A / Baerwald DIN
* Loefgren A / Baerwald IEC
* Loefgren B DIN
* Loefgren B IEC

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-4-18 10:20:28 | 顯示全部樓層

我們在試以不同的Loefgren和 UNI Din來設定.  效果各有特色,  UNI 伸展較佳, 自然.  Loefgren A 密度高少許,  大家可以自行選擇自己喜好.


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